OK, back to the current time period. I'll get those backlogged photos up at a later date, but felt the need to first show proof to my family that the flags I'll bring back were proudly flown over this FOB in Khost on Independence Day 2006.

Sgt Tim Sander is the young journalist (constantly reminding me that I've got at least a decade on many of the warriors out here) helping me raise the flag outside our operations center the other day.

Saluting Old Glory, the Marine Corps, and a job well done. I've been particularly enjoying the fact that every vehicle or runner who comes up the road sees this Marine flag, designating the location of the only one on this base. Thanks for sending them, Mom!
I just caught up on your last post and have now come here and I have to tell you Capt Dan, I have this monumental lump in my throat and very blurry vision at seeing Old Glory and the Marine Corp flag flying proudly over your outpost on the edge of nowhere. This REALLY makes my Independence Day complete!
I wish I could appropriately verbalize how proud I am of you that man that outpost and those that man all the others across the war zones. God bless America and God bless those who defend her in such a magnificent fashion.
God bless and keep you.
Hey Marine. Happy 4th to you and all those with you.
Incase you're a bit short on "mood music" appropriate for the day, here's this.
Guarenteed to get your blood pumping. The slide show is worth the time to watch as well.
Be safe, keep your head on a swivel and always remember, just because you cant see it, dont mean it aint there.
Thanks for the 4th of July pictures, Happy 4th to you guys too! Although since we are in Texas, by the time you read this, the 4th will be way over for you. I have also read that you guys have a 30 minute time difference in Afghanistan over the rest of the world, what's up with this?
Thankyou for letting us know about your camera, we are still enjoying the blog and all the photos very much.
Please tell your fellow Marines that we appreciate their hard work and wish that they could be home with their families too.
have hated fireworks,since i left nam in 69. hate remembering the kinds of fireworks that you all are are exposed to.hate knowing that this same shit is still going on, different name, different place but the same shit.2 of my children have played in the mideast sandbox and survived the ambushes they were caught in. i hope the same for all of you.let's be careful out there. stay alert and stay low. mike
Great pictures to end Independence Day for me. There's just something about seeing that red Marine flag blowing in the breeze next to the American flag that puts a big smile on my face...and in my heart..... :)
Best from Denver!
I just came back from the racing track and I can proundly pass on that the troops were remembered and people cheered :-)
Very nice pics. Another unit operating a little north of you has my oldest daughter's best friend in it. 3-71st cav. If you see them say hi to them all for me.
Just found your site via Instapundit. Linked to it immediately.
Ye Olde Vietnam Hand, ( multi-tour freelancer)
My thanks to you all for writing. Your thoughts, prayers and thanks mean a great deal to all the troops out here.
Those of you who've served before, particularly Vietnam veterans, are the heroes we remember and admire on our nation's birthday. Your support to this generation of warriors has been incredible. God bless all of you.
So glad you had a wonderful 4th!
We owe ours to you and your predecessors ... Thank you.
Someone posted a link to your blog on my website and I love it. Now I have to sit down and read all of it. What a lot of work you've put into it! Good Job!
I'm so proud of all of you I could just burst! You have no idea how much you all are appreciated every day.
Your blog is really inspiring and contains a ton of information that we would never know about without it. I'm looking forward for that one special entry you make in your blog...the one where you show the pictures of your safe arrival home. I hope that one comes soon.
God Bless You and all of the other service members there for the hard job you are doing. We know the difficulties and we care about your well-being.
Capt Dan,
I couldn't help myself - I had to send Glenn Reynolds the links to the two posts before this. He posted them and your general site link. I wish you had Sitemeter, heh heh.
All your posts have been great, but the last few have been amazing. Keep up the good work. Oh, and you need to compile all this in some format or another...this should be viewed "in toto".
Thanks, Dan for your service. We civilians appreciate all that you guys are doing to protect us back home. Here is a link to a speech that one of my college students wrote in support of the war efforts. -- Gary in Seattle
greetings from Portugal :)
THANKS for the accurate pics and the humorous captions. My son (Army) is w/the 10th Mountain in ABAD and I get some pics, but yours are a great diary of daily events (I'm sending your site to him!). Keep up your positive mental attitude and THANK YOU for serving, helping others, and honoring Americans. Job well done!
Laura T., SC, USA
PS- I grew up in AL...maybe you should put Mississippi as the "Afg-AL" (haha!)
Capt. Dan, I just found out about your site. Itia awesome. Thank you for keeping us informed. Be safe sir. We appreciate all you and the other troops do for us. God Bless you and be safe.I hope your recent silence is not bad news. I know things have really heated up for you guys.My prayers are with you all.
Ok Capt. Folk back here are starting to get a bit concerned.
How about sending a few ticks down the land line or a couple squelches on the talkie to let us know your OP is still good to go?
grimmy & all - i'm a family member and extremely happy to report that Capt Dan is back stateside, safe and sound ... stand by for a deployment finale post soon ... thx for your concern!
Well done!! and good to know.
Good to hear from your kin. I'm a huge fan of your blog as I have a loved one over there and was worried about you. Hope to hear many more stories from you!!!!!! Don't stop blogging your a wonderful story teller. Amy
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